2024-09-12 Gallura Disinfestazioni posted:
Anyone who has had to deal with lawn management in their life will surely have had to deal with problems related to the presence of various types of weeds such as weeds, couch grass, weeds, pabbio and graminaceous plants.
Weeds are divided into two macro families: broad-leaved weeds and narrow-leaved weeds.
Broad-leaved weeds such as clover, bindweed, dandelion, thistles, amaranth, chamomile, veronica, are also called dicotyledonous weed species because they are born with two embryonic leaflets.
The problems caused by these weeds are both aesthetic and competitive, causing suffering in the lawn grass as the weeds absorb water and nutrients.
Broadleaf weed infestation occurs from mid-spring and often returns at the end of summer when the lawn begins to grow again after the summer break.
Narrow-leaved weeds, such as digitalis, annual grass, setaria, couch grass, are also called monocotyledonous weed species and are generally plants belonging to the same family of Graminaceae.
Unlike broadleaf weeds, which are easy to recognize, these are difficult to identify.
They appear in different ways depending on the season: in summer these weeds colonize the ground, in autumn they leave patches in the grass or take on an unpleasant appearance.
Wild couch grass, for example, becomes filamentous, tends to turn yellow in winter and has a hardness that contrasts with the soft grass of the lawn. On the other hand, burlap forms feathery ears, while phalaris produces tall, leathery stems.
Weed control, whether broad-leaved weeds or narrow-leaved weeds, occurs through selective weeding, i.e. the application of a selective weedkiller product for the specific elimination of only the weed species.
In order for selective weeding to achieve the expected results, it is therefore essential to be able to correctly recognize the weed species to avoid any damage to the infested lawn.
It is therefore also essential to know the characteristics of the weed, the timing of selective weeding and the foliar biostimulation techniques that help the lawn to regenerate following a weed infestation.
The technicians at Gallura Disinfestazioni will be able, following a careful analysis of the infested area, to plan the necessary green maintenance interventions to restore a healthy and lush appearance to the green lawn of your villa!
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