2016-03-24 Dott.sa Carla Petta posted:
The IX edition of the National Disinfection Conference promoted by A.N.I.D. (National Association of Disinfection Companies) was held in Parma on March 15th and 16th.
In the conference, from the theme "From disinfestation to Pest Management, in a European dimension", attention was focused on experimentation and innovation of the activities of the sector, in light of the approval of the European Standard on Disinfestation EN 16636.
This standard contains the guidelines to ensure that the disinfestation services offered by the companies are of high professional and qualitative profile, with maximum respect for the environment and human health and that they can establish a clear relationship with the client regarding the content and expected effectiveness of the service.
About 350 Pest Control operators actively participated in the Conference, including our Gallura Disinfestazioni, sharing their experiences and acquiring useful knowledge for their activities.
Specifically, the first day was focused on interventions against bed bugs, control of crawling insects and bleaching weeds.
The second day saw the rat-catching as the main topic of discussion. The Biocide legislation was analyzed to then analyze the evolutions and perspectives on the subject in order to further limit the toxicity of the products to improve environmental sustainability.
Tularemia, on the other hand, is a bacterial disease transmitted to humans by rodent fleas by mechanical inoculation after an interrupted meal on an infected host.
The common line of both days of the conference was the reflection on the transformations that will lead from Pest Control to Pest Management. In fact our sector will have to deal with the new normative references trying to maintain quality and efficiency of the service, a challenge that enormously complicates the daily work and that can only be won with innovation, training and high professionalism.
The Gallura Disinfestazioni, making available to its customers the latest technologies and formulas, is ready to face this new and important challenge.
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