2019-01-21 Dott.sa Carla Petta posted:
Since the return of the holidays to today we have recorded countless calls due to large mice and rats infestations in the Olbia area.
The areas affected by these important rodent infestations are those of the Industrial Zone, the Center and the neighborhoods adjacent to the waterways.
Particularly sensitive are all the areas forming part of the food supply chain, from warehouses used for storing food and feed to restaurants, canteens and bars.
There are several corrective actions to be implemented in order to contain an infestation from mice and rats.
The Rat-Catching Service carried out by our company aims to eliminate the infestations from mice and rats.
Each Rat-Catching Service proposed by Gallura Disinfestazioni is designed according to the needs of the areas to be protected and includes a fundamental rat proofig advice aimed at eliminating the critical areas of the areas in order to obtain the best possible result in the development of the rat-catching.
Gallura Disinfestazioni provides free estimates for the Rat-Catching Service in the following areas: