The Gallura Disinfestazioni was born in 1994 from his founder Francesco Petta, already an operator from over one decade in the sector of the environmental hygiene, that he is an technical executive for a business at a national level. Initially run by family management, the Gallura Disinfestazioni became in a short time the business leader in Sardinia in the sector of the hygiene and the environmental sanitization, offering guarantees of professionalism, of quality and of assistance in the radical resolution of the problems related to the disinfestation, Disinfection, rat disinfestation, Defending of the Green and weed-killing, both in civil field and industrial. Inspiring to the principles of the professionalism and the professional correctness, the Gallura Disinfestazioni and other Italian business leaders of the sector founded in 1997 the ANID, Associazione Nazionale delle Imprese di Disinfestazione, the only Italian association of the sector recognized at the ministerial level.