Pest Control Consultancy

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Gallura Disinfestazioni

Happy Birthday Gallura Disinfestazioni!

2019-04-16 Carla Petta posted:

Today for us of Gallura Disinfestazioni is a very special day.

Exactly 25 years ago, on April 16, 1994, Gallura Disinfestazioni was born.

Every day of these 25 years we have worked, studied and committed ourselves to be able to offer you the best services.

Today we want to thank everyone for this journey together.

Thanks to our customers who trust us from that distant 16 April 1994!

Thanks to all those customers who have come the following years and allowed us to grow trusting us!

Thanks to all future customers who want to trust us!

Thanks to all our suppliers for the work done so far and for all that we will still do together!

And finally, thanks to the great family of the Gallura Disinfestazioni, for the commitment, the constancy, the determination, the attention and the care of the customers, for the desire to grow together every day!

Thank you very much from everyone!

It is only thanks to all of you if today we are here to celebrate our 25th birthday.

We hope to be able to celebrate many others together with you all.

We promise that as we have until now we will continue to put all our efforts into making the quality of your life better thanks to our environmental hygiene services!

Happy Birthday Gallura Disinfestazioni! How much it cost?

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