Pest Control Consultancy

+39 0789 57735
Gallura Disinfestazioni

It is possible to live in the house immediately following the woodworm treatment as it is completely non-toxic. The woodworm prevention service is carried out exclusively by raising the temperatures of the environment using hot air generators.

No, there is no danger to the interior except in particular cases where there may be materials that cannot withstand high temperatures. Our technical staff performs a precise analysis before carrying out the service.

The presence of woodworms is often detected when the damage has already been done. The appearance of emergent holes or the possible presence of gnawing in the vicinity of an infested piece of furniture or wooden object are an unequivocal indicator of an ongoing infestation that is spreading in the environment.

Termites attack the wood, leaving the surface part almost intact, eroding the internal part and crumbling it and leaving earthy walkways as a sign of passage; woodworms, on the other hand, cause small holes in the wood where small piles of sawdust form, of different shapes depending on the species.

It is strongly recommended to intervene as soon as the presence of woodworms becomes apparent, to prevent the infestation from spreading. In fact, adult woodworms fly and search for gaps in the wood in which to lay their eggs. Therefore, intervening as soon as the presence of woodworms is evident, and thereby limiting the area of ​​intervention, will save on the intervention cost.

No, woodworms are not dangerous for humans but their presence generally involves the presence of their parasites, Acari and Scleroderma Domesticum, which can cause significant skin rashes and allergic reactions.

No, these treatments, in addition to having a highly destructive environmental impact, prove to be ineffective as the insects present deep in the wood are not affected, thus rendering the effectiveness of the intervention in vain.

There are two types of hole on furniture attacked by woodworm. The most visible are those that the adult insect creates on becoming an adult and flying away in search of a mate. Treating these holes is pointless because the tunnel beyond has been abandoned. The second type of hole is dug by the just-hatched larva deposited on the surface of the wooden item. These are, however, so small as to be virtually invisible to the naked eye.

The most obvious signs of a termite infestation are the deterioration of the infested wooden structure, which will look like a rippling effect or an earthy walkway around the infested wooden structure.

The species present in Sardinia are: Cryptotermes Brevis Kalotermes Flavicollis Reticulitermes Lucifugus

Yes, the damage caused by termites can compromise the stability of wooden structures.

Absolutely not, it is a service with a very low environmental impact. The active ingredient is confined inside a station inaccessible from the outside except to workers equipped with special tools for their inspection.

No, it is absolutely not recommended. It is very important not to "disturb" the permanent colony of termites in order to position the anti-termite stations in the appropriate areas to allow for immediate interception and thus, better success of the anti-termite service.

No, it is absolutely not recommended. It is very important not to "disturb" the permanent colony of termites in order to allow their immediate interception when the anti-termite stations are positioned and therefore a better success of the Anti-termite Service itself.

There are many variables that determine the "duration" of the effect of a disinfestation, including the areas of intervention, the target pest, the product used, and non-preventable external factors.

No, the products used have a very low environmental impact. It is also possible to evaluate the services of the ‘Naturalmente’ (Natural) line.

It depends on the type of disinfestation, it is generally not necessary to leave the house, in any case it is important to follow the technicians' instructions on a case-by-case basis depending on the methodology used.

Yes, because they are vectors of serious viral infections including Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya, and Yellow Fever.

No, for each type of pest there are different methods to be used.

No, ticks do not fly as they have no wings.

No, mites are not visible to the naked eye. It is, however, possible to perceive their presence following a careful analysis of the damage caused to humans and environmental conditions

Generally, the tiger mosquito has sizes ranging from 4 to 10 mm, similar to the common mosquito in Italy. Its body is black with white transverse bands on the legs and abdomen, it also has a white stripe between the back and the head. Distinguishing the two mosquitoes is not just a matter of appearance: The tiger mosquito is also quicker in flight, more aggressive, and stings even in daylight especially during cooler hours, and in the shade.

The tiger mosquito loves the water, even in small quantities, as this is where its larvae develop. Its eggs, laid in dry areas, are able to spend the winter even in a saucer! It is then sufficient that, when temperatures rise in the spring, they are covered by a minimum amount of water to hatch. If the stagnation persists for at least seven days, the cycle is complete and new adults are born. One must therefore avoid stagnant water. All environments where there are larvae present should be treated from April to November, with larvicide products from pharmacies, carefully following the directions on the label. What to do: thoroughly clean manholes and stagnant and drainage areas, treat them regularly and, when possible, cover them with a mosquito net, eradicate saucers and, where this is not possible, avoid the stagnation of water in them, periodically check gutters, ensuring they are clean and unobstructed, avoid the formation of any stagnant water, keep fountains and ornamental pools clean, possibly introducing goldfish that are predators of tiger mosquito larvae, empty onto the ground, and keep domestic animals' drinking and water bowls clean, cover tanks and all containers where rainwater collects with sealed containers, covers, or taut mosquito nets, inform neighbours and acquaintances of the correct behaviour, install, when possible, mosquito nets on windows. What NOT to do: accumulate tyres and other containers that can collect even small amounts of standing water, leave watering cans and buckets with the opening facing up, use saucers or trays under vases, leave inflatable pools and other games filled with water for several days -allow water to collect on coverings used to cover heaps of materials and firewood, empty troughs, vase trays, and any other container of water into manholes.

Mites can live and grow in different environments such as on plants, flowers, animals, humans, water (even in salt water), but mainly in house dust (and therefore on carpets, books...), in mattresses, cushions, etc.

The fight against mites is problematic and not standardisable. One can proceed either by acting on the factors limiting their development, or by using chemical means. In the first case, reducing the humidity, the ambient temperature, curtains, stuffed animals, and other items that can hold dust and mites... In the second case, by using various kinds of treatment on the area, after careful assessment by an expert.

As with any treatment against any pest, collaboration with the client is essential. When fighting dust, wood, and other mites, we use ULV (Ultra Low Volume) TREATMENTS, with the use of nebulizers that generate "cold mists" (droplets less than 10 microns) that get the formulation into interstices unattainable with traditional mists, and with the emission into the environment of very low doses of insecticides, or FUMIGATION with the use of thermal foggers that generate a "warm fog". To facilitate the work of our technicians and ensure an excellent outcome, it is essential: to keep closed / seal all openings to the outside (windows, doors, hoods, fireplaces etc.). Communicate to the technician the positioning of electrical panels, in case it is necessary to disconnect the electric current. In the kitchen, (except for food-infesting mites) seal food and drinks in containers or nylon bags so that these do not come in contact with insecticides. Cabinets, drawers and shelves in the rooms must be emptied of linen, clothes, blankets, sheets, etc.

The mite does not drown but manages to surround himself with an air bubble that allows it to breathe even in the water. - Regarding the washing of sheets and blankets, remember that washing at temperatures over 60 °C kills all the mites, but in lukewarm water, the mites will multiply. If you do not want to use such temperatures, add 5 ml of eucalyptus oil (bought in a herbal medicine shop) to the usual detergent. Then soak normally with water at 30°C for 30-60 minutes. Clothing should be washed instead at 55-60 °C; if they cannot be washed, put the clothes in the freezer (as for plush toys) for at least 24 hours. If washing by hand, use 20 ml of eucalyptus oil in 10 litres of water. If soaking clothes you can use 3 ml of benzyl benzoate in 10 litres of water.

The use of steam cleaners is counterproductive: emitting heat and humidity doesn't eliminate the mites, but stimulates their proliferation.

Vitamin K

Yes, it is possible to carry out rodent control independently; it is important to underline that the products that can be used by the general public are different from those used by trained technicians who, thanks to their training, experience and tools available, also know how to analyze and establish methods of control and corrective actions necessary to contain infestations.

No, supermarket products are aimed at the general public and have a formula and concentration dosage that is different from those intended for professionals for whom specific training is required.

Yes, it is possible! Rodenticide baits with an anticoagulant effect have a characteristic time interval, which generally varies between 48 and 72 hours, between the consumption of the bait and the death of the rodent.

It is not possible to establish this with precision, generally death occurs after 48/72 hours.

Geckos and mice have different diets; geckos feed on insects while mice are omnivorous. Both by touch and by sight it is therefore possible to distinguish their excrements as they have different consistencies.

The rodent control service, specific for mice and rats, is aimed at managing infestations and involves a continuous combat approach aimed at eliminating the colony, preventing re-infestation of the area and monitoring it.

Rodent control makes the treated area or environment non-colonisable. It can never prevent temporary passing through of rodents inside environments, even if properly and regularly controlled. The first important step toward prevention of infestations is represented by the condition of the structure to be controlled. Our company will give you all the advice you need in order to make your locale difficult for rodents to penetrate, and making the rodent control programme even more effective.

The reason you do not see more rodents is due precisely to the fact that a periodic check is carried out. Terminating the service will result, in a short time, in the rodents from the outside recolonising the areas vacated by the former colony, nullifying all the efforts made to resolve the problem. Maintenance, in any industry, is performed to achieve the goal of preventing deterioration.

In August 2007 in Emilia Romagna, the first cases of Chikungunya virus transmission by the tiger mosquito were reported. The symptoms of the disease are acute fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and acute joint pain. In some cases, patients may also have itchy rashes. In tropical areas, and in many parts of Asia the tiger mosquito is a vector of several viral diseases, particularly those caused by arboviruses, including dengue fever, yellow fever and some forms of encephalitis. In the Mediterranean basin, as well as Chikungunya, there are six active arboviruses that could be transmitted by the tiger mosquito, including the West Nile virus, and the Israel Turkey Meningoencephalitis virus, some viruses of the Togaviridae family, and others from the Bunvaviridae family. In Italy, in addition to the recent cases of Chikungunya in very limited areas in Romagna, the tiger mosquito is actually known primarily for the acute discomfort caused by its bites, which cause swelling and persistent irritation, itching, or bleeding, often quite painful. In unusually sensitive people, a large number of bites can result in allergic responses that require medical attention. The worst form of damage associated with this mosquito, then, is its impact on the habits of the population.

The crane fly (known as "zanzarone"'large mosquito' due to its similarity to mosquitoes) belongs to the Tipulidae family and is not a mosquito. These insects do not sting at all; their larvae cause problems as, if present in large numbers, they can be harmful to meadows because they gnaw the collars of herbaceous plants.

The dog tick is able to transmit different forms of Rickettsia to humans, infections caused by micro-organisms are very similar to bacteria but, unlike these, are obligate parasites (they multiply only inside other organisms). Among these, the most famous is the spotted fever, which causes fever, rash and black spots ("tache noir") all over the body. It is generally benign, but if not diagnosed in time can lead to serious complications.

The tick is drawn inside the houses when temperatures tend to drop in the autumn. This happens especially when pigeons are attracted by food that is sometimes carelessly left outside, (remnants of bread, leftovers), to the exterior of the building. In this context, there are frequent reports of attacks on humans.

Whenever the need arises to reduce the quantity of bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, protozoa and small pests.

No, sanitization is a complex cleaning and/or disinfection procedure and operation and includes the maintenance of good air quality along with the exchange of air in all environments. Disinfection is a treatment to reduce the number of microbes in the environment, surfaces and materials.

Absolutely yes, as they are vectors of numerous diseases.

There is no specific number; we carry out an analysis of each situation and plan the interventions considering various factors, including the improvement of the conditions of the plants’ health status.

No, there are specific phytosanitary treatments to protect different types of plants and to fight different types of weeds.

It can happen if the treatment is carried out at the wrong times or if the plant protection products are incorrectly used.

Yes, it is possible to carry out plant protection interventions using natural products.

No, each service performed is specified and aimed at eliminating the target pest.

No, these products can only be sold by authorized sellers.

No, unless you have a ‘Patentino Verde’ (a Green Licence), which is a specific qualification for the purchase and professional use of pesticides.

Yes, it is possible to carry out selective weeding, which, unlike total weeding, aims to eliminate unwanted weeds without damaging desired crops.

The "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" (HACCP) system is a hygiene self-assessment control system to prevent the risk of food contamination. It is based on systematic monitoring of food processing sites where there is a danger of biological, chemical, or physical contamination.

The HACCP method allows the identification and monitoring of key points that may result in a decrease of the standard of sanitation of the finished product.

Il Sistema HACCP è stato introdotto in Europa nel 1993 con la Direttiva CEE N. 43 poi recepita in Italia nel 1997 con decreto legislativo n. 155 che ha reso obbligatoria l'applicazione del protocollo H.A.C.C.P per tutti gli operatori del settore alimentare nell'ambito della sicurezza sul lavoro.

A major cause of deterioration in food quality is contamination due to pests. Through their actions, exterminators play an important role in ensuring the maintenance of an optimal level of hygiene.

Self-control and HACCP systems are not synonymous terms. The concept of self-control has a broader value which comes from the responsibility of the food sector operator in matters of food hygiene and safety and corresponds to the obligation to keep their production under control. Self-monitoring is mandatory for all operators who are involved in any level of the food production chain. HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) is a system that allows self-control to be applied in a rational and organized manner.

Yes, the HACCP system is a tool aimed at helping food sector operators achieve a higher level of food safety.

No, we carry out the heat chamber anti-woodworm treatment for furniture and wooden items, which are delivered and collected in our Olbia office.

The anti-woodworm heat chamber treatment lasts approximately 24 hours from the moment the ideal temperature is reached.

The anti-woodworm heat chamber treatment guarantees the elimination of the woodworm in whatever life stage it is in, including the egg stage. We can state with certainty, thanks to various university studies conducted on the subject, that there is no possibility of the pest surviving.

Yes, it is possible, in fact woodworms fly and if the treated piece of furniture is located near an area or piece of furniture with the presence of woodworms it can be infested.

No, the automatic disinfestation system with the mosquito repellent system can be programmed based on the needs of those who live in the area and can therefore provide the insecticide and/or repellent products during times when the area is not occupied.

The mosquito repellent system for automatic disinfestation can be used with both chemical and natural insecticide products, also with repellents or possibly with both alternately.

The mosquito repellent system carries out automatic disinfestation based on the desired programming. It is a system that is absolutely adaptable to the needs and wishes of the customer.

No, disinfestation for ants and ticks is carried out in a completely different way from disinfestation for mosquitoes and cannot therefore be carried out by a highly targeted mosquito control system.

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Here are the main regulations and directives that govern our activities.

Clarifications of ordinances 18th December, 2008 and 18th March, 2009 Clarifications of ordinances 18th December, 2008 and 18th March, 2009
European Directive 98/8 / EC "placing on the market of biocidal products" European Directive 98/8 / EC "placing on the market of biocidal products"
HACCP Italian Legislative Decree 155-97. HACCP Italian Legislative Decree 155-97.
HACCP Italian Legislative Decree 193-07 "repeal of Leg. Decree 155/97” HACCP Italian Legislative Decree 193-07 "repeal of Leg. Decree 155/97”
Personal Data Handling Policy Personal Data Handling Policy
Order of 14 January 2010: "Changing the rules on the prohibition of the use and possession of baits" Order of 14 January 2010: "Changing the rules on the prohibition of the use and possession of baits"
Order of 18 December 2008: "Regulation on the prohibition of the use and possession of baits" Order of 18 December 2008: "Regulation on the prohibition of the use and possession of baits"
Order of 19 March 2009: "Changing the rules on the prohibition of the use and possession of baits" Order of 19 March 2009: "Changing the rules on the prohibition of the use and possession of baits"
Regulation (EC) 853/04 "Regulations related to hygiene for food of animal origin" Regulation (EC) 853/04 "Regulations related to hygiene for food of animal origin"
Regulation (EC) 854/04 "Standards for products of animal origin intended for human consumption" Regulation (EC) 854/04 "Standards for products of animal origin intended for human consumption"
Regulation No. 1451/2007/CE "Active ingredients revision programme" Regulation No. 1451/2007/CE "Active ingredients revision programme"
Regulation No. 852/2004/EC "Food hygiene" Regulation No. 852/2004/EC "Food hygiene"

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