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Gallura Disinfestazioni

Woodworms and Mites: two sides of the same medal

2017-07-24 Dott. Pietro Carta posted:

In the previous article of our blog we have compiled a list of the main pests active this summer.

As you may have noticed in the first place we find the mite from woodworm.

We already talked about this parasite in an old article of 2015, underlining the annoying bites that it can cause.

The presence of woodworm is therefore the main cause of infestation of the mite-woodworm.

But the fight against these two weeds is completely different.

First of all it is necessary to provide for the elimination of mites with ULV treatment.

The word ULV stands for Ultra Low Volume, is a particular disinfestation oriented to generate "cold mists" - with drops below 10 microns - thanks to ULV nebulizers. This technique allows to get the formulations even in interstices generally unattainable and, thanks to the low emissions of insecticides, it is ideal for internal treatments and the most effective against mites.

Woodworms and Mites: two sides of the same medal

Once the mites have been eliminated, it is necessary to proceed with the anti-worm treatment in order to solve the problem.

This type of treatment is totally different from the one described above.

To eliminate the woodworm, in any vital stage, it is necessary to proceed with the disinfestation with the heat. The technicians of Gallura Disinfestazioni, one of the leading experts in Sardinia in this type of ecological treatments, use sophisticated thermoconvectors powered by electric energy capable of distributing the heat produced in a point-like manner. In this way it is possible to reach a temperature between 50° and 60° in the areas subjected to treatment and to keep it constant for the time necessary to reach the total mortality of the pest. The time required for the various treatments varies from approximately 24 to 48 hours.

The death of insects occurs due to the denaturing of protein substances.

Woodworms and Mites: two sides of the same medal How much it cost?

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