Pest Control Consultancy

+39 0789 57735
Gallura Disinfestazioni

Fly: restaurants, agri-food industry, farms, urban fabric.

2022-12-20 Gallura Disinfestazioni posted:

Variety and diversification. These are the main characteristics of flies, a group of insects that can number more than 125,000 species. Thanks to their marked adaptability to a great variety of environments and the ability to feed in the most varied ways, flies have now managed to become annoying and dangerous commensals of man.

These characteristics contribute to making fly control very complex in many environments. Thanks to the ability to efficiently consume many organic substances, flies quickly developed a resistance against many active ingredients.

In the agri-food industry, in farms and in the catering sector, the fight against flies is of fundamental importance.

Within the food chain (bars, restaurants, hotels and accommodation facilities, food industries, supermarkets, etc.) it is essential to carry out HACCP monitoring, the hygienic self-control system that prevents the dangers of food contamination.

The acronym H.A.C.C.P. stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points and provides for the constant monitoring of sensitive environments in order to evaluate the beginning or progress of an infestation, to identify parasites and to plan targeted remedial interventions.

Regarding flies, an essential practice in H.A.C.C.P. is the installation of capture lamps with ultraviolet light that allow you to monitor, capture and analyze the presence of weeds and consequently evaluate the best control strategy to adopt.

In these environments it is important to assist the monitoring service with the positioning of means defined as "passive" such as, for example, mosquito nets, doors with flaps, wind barriers, etc. all tools that physically prevent the entry of flies and flying insects in general.

In farms, flies often play the role of potential vector of dozens of diseases and can contribute to the reduction of the production performance of farmed animals by annoying them and distancing them from the welfare required today.

In this case, following a careful inspection of the places where the infestation is present, it is necessary to act primarily with the implementation of monitoring works aimed at sampling and capturing the flies, whether they are tapes, traps , lamps; the execution of pest-proofing actions aimed at limiting the proliferation of infestations and, where necessary, the execution of targeted disinfestation interventions, both adult and larvicidal.

In addition to the agri-food sector, fly infestations can also affect the urban fabric: houses, private villas, condominiums and parks. Even in these places it is important to act with the disinfestation service, using insecticides and low environmental impact techniques in order to be able to eliminate the infestation ensuring greater safety for operators, people and areas subjected to treatment, especially in green areas.

Flies can be annoying and sometimes dangerous, but with an integrated and coordinated fight including disinfestation interventions and pest proofing corrective actions, enormous results can be achieved!

To meet our customers we provide our E-Commerce, MyGD Shop, designed for small businesses and for those who need to combat limited infestations. In a few simple clicks you will be able to consult, compare and order the products and receive them comfortably at your home.

If you too have problems with flies and don't know how to get rid of them, consult our website at and click here to request a quote.

We operate throughout Northern Sardinia and specifically in the areas of Olbia, Porto Rotondo, Porto Cervo, Palau, Cannigione, Santa Teresa di Gallura, Arzachena, Golfo Aranci, Loiri Porto San Paolo, San Teodoro, Budoni, Siniscola and Nuoro.

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