2018-10-31 Dott. Pietro Carta posted:
At this beginning of autumn there was a recurrence of the presence of some outbreaks of West Nile Virus in the territory of Northern Sardinia.
The West Nile virus affects both animals, especially horses, and humans.
The main virus transmission vectors are mosquitoes, mainly the Culex genus.
The virus infection, which appeared in Italy about 10 years ago, can cause fever, anorexia, nausea and headache in the human being.
The latest report prepared by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and dated 19 October, reports confirmed cases of West Nile Virus disease in the department of the Eastern Pyrenees and in the department of Southern Corsica (see table)
In Sardinia, reports have intensified since September, especially in the north of the island, with numerous infected horses.
It 's news a few days ago that the mayor of Olbia has issued an order in which informs the population with some useful tips to follow given the confirmed presence of an outbreak of West Nile in the park Fausto Noce in some resident birds.
Since there is currently no cure for West Nile fever the only way to go is prevention (vaccination for horses) and reduction of exposure to mosquitoes.
In the latter case, disinfestation operations become fundamental, combined with some precautions such as the correct management of stagnant water and frequent cleaning of the drinking troughs, which contribute to considerably reducing the risk of contagion.
For information and estimates regarding this type of interventions please contact us.
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