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Gallura Disinfestazioni

Sanitation and the survival of COVID-19 on the surfaces

2022-02-14 Carla Petta posted:

We have already talked about the importance of sanitation in pandemic periods on this blog and today we want to focus on some aspects that have not been dealt with so far.

First of all it is useful to know which are the main microorganisms that are fought with sanitization and their characteristics:

It is interesting to focus on some studies that have shown how the survival times of Covid-19 can change according to the various types of surfaces.


As highlighted in table A on some surfaces of common use, the survival of Covid-19 is quite long-lasting, making it necessary to intervene with correct cleaning and sanitizing practices.

The Sanitation service of Gallura Disinfestazioni, in addition to eradicating bacteria, fungi and molds, inactivates the action of viruses such as Covid-Sars 2. Ensuring the cleanliness, hygiene and health of the environments through disinfection and sanitization activities therefore becomes basic.

In the difficult battle against Covid-19, in addition to the vaccination campaign, it is important to rely on pest control companies with highly specialized technicians who can perform treatments following the guidelines issued by the ISS on correct and effective disinfection and sanitization practices of environments in we live and work on.

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