2022-04-26 Gallura Disinfestazioni posted:
Insects are the most abundant and diverse group of animals on Earth. Their appearance dates back to more than 400 million years ago and since then they have survived at least four cataclysms that have caused the extinction of numerous animal species.
They are extremely adaptable organisms to any type of environment, including areas characterized by more extreme climates such as deserts and Antarctica, thanks to their physical characteristics and their reproductive efficiency.
The females tend to lay a considerable number of eggs which then through intermediate stages reach the adult stage within 2/4 weeks, thus giving a continuous and frequent production of new generations and therefore an exponential growth of the populations.
If the external environment is not conducive to adult development, insects put in place a series of mechanisms to ensure survival. In cases of food shortage, for example, insects adapt by decreasing their metabolism and stopping their development and then being able to resume it once the favorable conditions return.
These forms of adaptability make weed populations difficult to eradicate, which is why it is essential to know the characteristics of each species in order to choose suitable pest control methods and products that not only cause the death of the insect, but also that maintain their own over time. effectiveness on the treated surface.
The insects present in our territory are many, each with certain characteristics. Cockroaches, mosquitoes, ants, woodworms, termites, mites, lawn moths, flies, fleas, wasps, ticks, bed bugs are very different weeds.
The products are also different from each other and have very specific characteristics, for example the ability of a product to cause the immediate death of the insect is called killing; effectiveness over time is defined as residuality.
Therefore the characteristics of the product, the seasonal period, the climatic trend, the morphology of the area, the insect habits are all factors that contribute to the choice of the most effective method of intervention to eradicate the infestation.
It becomes essential to make use of the expertise of industry experts both in cases of small domestic infestations, for which we can recommend the most suitable products to buy in our e-commerce, and in cases of heavy infestations in larger areas both public and private (villas , condominiums, accommodation facilities, restaurants, bars, gardens, schools, hospitals, PA) for which we guarantee our experience and professionalism in carrying out targeted pest control, rodent control, disinfection, sanitation, ecological woodworm removal, plant protection and termite removal interventions .
To request more information, visit our website www.galluradisinfestazioni.it and click here to request a quote
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