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Gallura Disinfestazioni

Great news: Heat room Gallura Disinfestazioni

2019-11-20 Carla Petta posted:

The woodworm removal service is perhaps the one we talked about most in our blog.

The woodworm removal service it exploits the potential of high temperatures to perform a treatment against woodworms that guarantees complete mortality of any vital stage and therefore the absolute resolution of the problem.

Until today it has been possible to use that Service with Heat only at home.

Carrying out the Ecological woodworm removal Service with heat at home involves the non-use of the treated area for the time necessary to carry out the treatment and an important energy consumption, reason why it is chosen by those who have an infestation to be treated on beams or on a large quantity of furniture.

From January 2020 it will be possible to carry out the Ecological woodworm removal Service with Heat on every single object directly from Us!

We are pleased to present to you our heat chamber, specially designed to perform the Ecological woodworm removal service on your furniture and wooden artefacts in our headquarters, with a significant cost and time saving for those with few woodworm infested items.

The woodworm removal treatment with heat offers countless advantages:

This type of treatment has an action aimed at eliminating woodworms and not at preventing infestation.

It is therefore important to use the professionalism of specialized technicians in order to ascertain the real presence of woodworms in wooden structures and wooden furniture.

For more information and free estimates, do not hesitate to contact us. We invite you to visit the dedicated pages of our website in Italian and English.

Great news: Heat room Gallura Disinfestazioni How much it cost?

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