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Zika Virus at the Olympic games

2016-09-12 Carla Petta posted:

We return to talk about the Zika virus seen the recent event of the just concluded Olympic Games that took place in Brazil, the country in which it has spread more.

In fact, many athletes have decided not to participate in the Rio De Janeiro games due to the presence of the virus.

We have already spoken in our blog of Zika and the pest carrier, the mosquito of the Aedes species, and we continue to do so because the situation is always in constant evolution.

In the United States, for example, for blood donations, the absence of the virus from the blood collected is first checked.

In Europe, despite the presence and spread of vector mosquitoes, at the moment there is no epidemic.

Despite all the risk is considered high in the areas of high concentration of the species Aedes aegypti (shores of the Black Sea, island of Madeira), which is the main carrier of the Zika virus. However, the spread in Europe is greater for the Aedes albopictus species, especially as regards the Mediterranean basin, but this species is a secondary vector.

This species has a large geographical expansion, which increases the risk for the spread of the virus. Obviously the most important factor of epidemic progression remains the possibility that the mosquito sting a person carrier of the virus that has traveled previously.

Since there are still no effective vaccines, prevention is essential in carrying out disinfestation operations on aircraft and means of transport traveling to and from the countries already affected.

To optimize prevention interventions, cooperation between the "Pest Control Operators" and the professional bodies of the State is important, above all by engaging in the monitoring and diagnosis of the "tiger" mosquito in public and private places.

Following links to ECDC images where you can see the spread of the two vector species present in Europe.

Zika Virus at the Olympic games Zika Virus at the Olympic games How much it cost?

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