2016-07-09 Dott.sa Carla Petta posted:
Entomology is the branch of the biological sciences that deals with the study of insects, the largest class of the animal kingdom that, among the various groups of animals that inhabit our planet, can count over one million species.
This science has the task of classifying them, of studying their anatomy, their life, their habits, in relation to the usefulness or damage that the various species can bring to man, animals and agriculture.
Precisely because of these characteristics one can understand how important the identification and knowledge of the bio-ethological cycle of insects, the application and interpretation of monitoring plans that allow to carry out targeted fight against infesting units.
The Gallura Disinfestazioni, before operating, performs accurate entomological analysis in order to plan the best intervention methods and the use of the most suitable products for specific cases of infestation.
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