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Gallura Disinfestazioni

Arbovirus national plan

2022-11-17 Gallura Disinfestazioni posted:

To limit the risk of importation and establishment of vector-borne diseases, the Ministry of Health has prepared a National Plan for Prevention, Surveillance and Response to Arboviruses (PNA) valid from 2020 to 2025.

Arbovirus (Arthropod Borne Virus) is a disease involving a hematophagous (blood-feeding) arthropod, such as mosquitoes and ticks. By biting an infected person or animal, the vector ingests the pathogen contained in the blood of its victim and, after an incubation period of a few days (the period varies from organism to organism), the contaminated arthropod can transmit the pathogen to a healthy person with a subsequent puncture. In a context of climate change and the globalization of trade, vector-borne diseases tend to appear in hitherto spared geographical areas or to reappear in areas where they had disappeared. It can thus happen that infected travelers returning from countries where these diseases are widespread (in particular Africa, the Indian Ocean, the West Indies, Central and South America and South-East Asia), "introduce" the viruses into Italy as well.

The main purposes of the Plan are to early intercept any cases of illness on the national territory by focusing on three main points:

The plan therefore tends to activate effective communication aimed at raising the awareness of people residing in areas where the vectors involved in the arbovirus transmission cycle are present and active.

The prevention of arboviruses is strengthened with the integration of human, entomological and veterinary surveillance data and is carried out on the territory through ordinary contrast measures to contain the proliferation of mosquitoes in urban areas and timely extraordinary disinfestation interventions in the event of proven viral circulation.

The term disinfestation refers to the set of operations that contribute to the elimination or, at least, to the limitation of different types of parasites and insects in general. It includes both organisms that live at the expense of the human body, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and insects such as mosquitoes, bedbugs and ticks, and those that cause alterations or damage to material goods or environments such as rodents, pigeons, woodworms, termites, cockroaches and flies.

It is essential to rely on companies specialized in the field of pest control capable of evaluating the best fighting strategies as an actor in order to contain infestations.

For further information on control methods and therefore on disinfestations, consult our website and click here to request a free estimate.

We operate throughout Northern Sardinia and specifically in the areas of Olbia, Porto Rotondo, Porto Cervo, Palau, Cannigione, Santa Teresa di Gallura, Arzachena, Golfo Aranci, Loiri Porto San Paolo, San Teodoro, Budoni, Siniscola and Nuoro.

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