The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (H.A.C.C.P.) is a hygienic self-control system that prevents food contamination hazards. It is based on the systematic control of food processing sites where there is a risk of biological, chemical or physical contamination. Keeping the environments under constant control allows to know and evaluate the beginning or the progress of an infestation, to identify the parasites and to plan targeted interventions. Many pests, such as rodents, also access the workplace through a simple packaging or box.
The various pest monitoring techniques allow us to collect a series of data and information essential for the effectiveness of our work. In particular through the H.A.C.C.P. monitoring service it's possible to:
The various monitoring devices are numbered and reported on the plan, with a legend that helps to understand the symbols used.
Actions in external areas
Monitoring of mice and rats
Dispensers are used, suitable for outdoor areas, equipped with a safety device that prevents accidental spillage of the baits placed inside it. The positioning of these regulators is performed based on a preliminary study of the environment and of the murine population eventually detected. In particular, the devices are installed so as to form one or two perimeter "belts", depending on the structure itself. The first, close to the building to be protected near the access routes (doors, holes, openings, etc.) while the second, if necessary, close to the external border.
Dispensers are subjected to periodic checks, and bait consumption is recorded on special cards. In this way it is possible to trace the species of rodents present, their movements and their behavioral habits. It is also possible to install one or more ecological devices, specifically designed for outdoor areas, able to attract the animal in an environment where it feels safe and at ease and stimulating it to leave its similar positive messages.
Actions in internal areas
Monitoring against rodents
Only the use of:
The stations will be placed to cover the rooms, at the critical points previously assessed. Also in this case, the stations will be checked on a regular basis.
Cockroach monitoring
Cockroaches are monitored by installing a monitoring network, through the placement of glue traps activated with a food attractant or pheromones, in the most risky environments and points generally characterized by a hot-humid microclimate and where residues can accumulate food.
In this case the glue traps are checked on a regular basis. During the first phase they provide data on the presence, the species and the population dynamics. In the following phases, data is provided on the results of disinfestation interventions. Monitoring through glue traps allows to signal the occurrence of a re-infestation, giving the possibility to schedule the execution of appropriate corrective actions.
Monitoring of food insects
Insects use a communication system based on the emission and reception of pheromones, which are biochemical substances secreted by specific glands, which determine constant response reactions by individuals of the same species: for this reason, each species corresponds to a type of different pheromone.
Insects emit pheromones from different parts of the body; the molecules are diffused in the environment and are picked up by the sensory organs that transmit the impulse to the nervous system.
These traps have the dual function of monitoring and containment.
Monitoring of winged insects using UV light traps
It is possible to monitor and contain flying insects through insect-catching light traps. Our UV light traps are made up of a metal frame, inside of which ultraviolet neon lights that attract insects work; these remain entangled in an adhesive panel positioned inside the UV trap.
Insects react to very weak light stimuli to move at night and to follow the migratory routes. This is why they are attracted to artificial lights, in particular the UV band.
UV glue panel traps are more discreet, quiet and easy to maintain than those with a dazzling grid, and have another important advantage: the insect is captured and held in the glue board, thus avoiding the risk of spreading fragments of insect after electrocution caused by electrical voltage (unacceptable situation in environments subject to H.A.C.C.P. regulations). At regular intervals the glue boards are withdrawn for analysis, and replaced with new ones. In this way, it will be possible to obtain precise data on the species and to trace the history and trend of the fluctuations of winged insects present in the monitored area.
The H.A.C.C.P. monitoring service serves to guarantee the standard in all environments where food is processed, produced and stored. If you need the H.A.C.C.P. monitoring service for your business or laboratory space contact us! You can call us at +39 0789 57 735, email us at [email protected] or fill out the form to request a free quote.
How much it cost?The HACCP method allows the identification and monitoring of key points that may result in a decrease of the standard of sanitation of the finished product.
Self-control and HACCP systems are not synonymous terms. The concept of self-control has a broader value which comes from the responsibility of the food sector operator in matters of food hygiene and safety and corresponds to the obligation to keep their production under control. Self-monitoring is mandatory for all operators who are involved in any level of the food production chain. HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control points) is a system that allows self-control to be applied in a rational and organized manner.
Il Sistema HACCP è stato introdotto in Europa nel 1993 con la Direttiva CEE N. 43 poi recepita in Italia nel 1997 con decreto legislativo n. 155 che ha reso obbligatoria l'applicazione del protocollo H.A.C.C.P per tutti gli operatori del settore alimentare nell'ambito della sicurezza sul lavoro.
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