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Hylotrupes bajulus L.

Hylotrupes bajulus L.

SPECIES: Hylotrupes bajulus (order Coleoptera)

COMMON NAME: European house borer.

FEATURES: prefers fairly high temperatures (28-30° C), such as those occurring within the home, or in roof beams. You can often hear their ceaseless activity, especially at night, and this makes them arguably the most annoying woodworm for humans.

SIZE: Adults 1 - 2.5 cm. The larva is also 2 cm long.

Eggs laid: about 100.

Egg incubation: 7 - 45 days depending on temperature.

Larval period: 4 - 12 years.

Adult lifespan: 15 - 20 days.

Adults emerge: from July to August.

Wood attacked: soft coniferous and deciduous timber (spruce, fir, larch, pine, oak, poplar, maple, willow, chestnut).

Materials: wooden structures, beams, trusses. The wood structure expands slightly and irregularly due to the burrowing pressures within.

Larval burrows: rectilinear and curvilinear, with no alterations due to moulds.

Frass: very abundant, fine powder with balls.

Exit holes: few, and full of frass. Elliptical in shape, with a diameter of 4 - 9 mm.

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Woodworm removal

Woodworm disinfestation: Gallura Disinfestazioni offers innovative ecological and non-toxic solutions for woodworm treatments. Contact us for a free quote!

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