Pest Control Consultancy

+39 0789 57735
Argas reflexus

Argas reflexus

SPECIES: Argas reflexus (order Acarina) (hard tick)

COMMON NAME: Pigeon tick

SIZE: Length: 1-2 mm to 10-12 mm long

LIFECYCLE: Lifecycle period: 2-4 years; Eggs / female: 100-150 every 5-6 weeks; Optimum temperature: 28°.

HABITAT: Roofs, attics and in warehouses, food industry, hospitals, schools, hotels, museums, churches and historical monuments colonised by pigeons, are used mainly for resting at night. Larva, nymph and adult climb onto the host to feed during the night, while by day they shelter near the nests of pigeons, in wall cracks and crevices, under mats, rugs, carpets, wall paper, or in dust.

DIET: highly specific hematophages, feeding on the blood of the pigeon, with which they are closely associated Rarely found on other birds. If the attic and eaves are blocked up, and installation of bird scaring devices is performed, ticks can "migrate" inside the houses and also attack humans. They can endure long periods of fasting and survive for several years.

DIET: The bites can cause skin problems of various kinds, such as itching, redness, localised oedemas, swelling, and even anaphylactic shock in sensitive individuals. Potential vector for many diseases: Borrelia anserina, Rickettsia, Q fever, mycoses.

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What we can do for you

Pest control: public and private land

For the disinfestation of all areas, contact Gallura Disinfestazioni, a company specialized in disinfestation. Contact us for more information!

Useful products for this pest

Insecticides Decapy Flow - 250...

Concentrated Insecticide 250 m...

46,36 €


Insecticide Decapy Flow - 1 lt...

Concentrated insecticide 1 lt...

128,10 €


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