SPECIES: Kalotermes flavicollis
FEATURES/SIZE: photophobic. Easily distinguishable from other termites thanks to its yellow neck, colonies consist of a few hundred to two thousand individuals. The alate form is 10-12 mm long with wings, 6-8 mm without wings. It is blackish, with the back of the first thoracic segment in yellow. The soldier is smaller (5-8 mm), greyish with both head and first thoracic segment in yellow-ochre, and dark brown mandibles. There are no real workers but 'false workers' instead, and are the juvenile form of the king and queen, whitish in colour.
HABITAT: lives in epigeal burrows excavated mainly in the dead wood of decaying trees, but also attacks healthy plants and dry wooden objects. The attacked wood is recognisable by the characteristically peeled appearance, with superimposed layers of varying widths separated by wide gaps filled with pellets. Does not produce earth communication trenches.
I want to sterminate itGallura Disinfestazioni are the specialists in termite disinfestation and anti-termite treatments. Contact us for a free quote!