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Coccus hesperidum L.

Coccus hesperidum L.

SPECIES: Coccus hesperidum L. ( Ordine Rincoti )

COMMON NAME: Low citrus scale insect

SIZE: from 3 to 4 mm

LIFECYCLE: The phytophagous insect overwinters as a nymph and completes several generations per year.

FEATURES: Coccus hesperidum is a polyphagous species with a wide diffusion; it is also present in greenhouses on ornamental plants and frequently attacks Citrus fruits. The adult female (about 3.5-4 mm in length) is oval in shape, with a depressed body and a yellow-brown color. The juvenile forms are lighter in color than the adult females. 

HABITAT: Coccus hesperidum lives preferably on twigs and on the underside of leaves, where it forms colonies along the veins.

DAMAGE: The damage is evident on the leaves and is caused by trophic punctures and the production of honeydew; the affected vegetation shows strong yellowing and is smeared with honeydew, on which sooty mold forms; in the case of massive attacks, serious leaf droplets can occur.

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