SPECIES: Ceroplastes sinensis Del Guercio ( Order Rincoti )
COMMON NAME: Citrus helmet scale insect
SIZE: from 6 to 7 mm
LIFECYCLE: Ceroplastes sinensis overwinters as a third-stage female nymph, or as young, already fertilized females. In addition, some of the males that did not emerge in autumn can also overwinter as nymphs; these emerge at the end of winter.
The female nymphs continue to develop in the following spring and become mature at the beginning of summer; between June and July, adult females begin to lay eggs.
The birth of new nymphs normally occurs in July and continues until August.
The nymphs initially live on the upper surface of the leaves and subsequently colonize the twigs, where they reach maturity in the following spring. Some of the males emerge at the end of autumn and some at the end of winter. Ceroplastes sinensis therefore completes one generation per year.
FEATURES: Ceroplastes sinensis (Ceroplast or citrus helmet scale insect) is a species known in Italy since the end of the 19th century; it is currently widespread in the southern regions, in Sicily, Sardinia and Liguria. This species, which is very polyphagous, and a very similar one (Ceroplastes rusci, typical of the Fig), prefer to attack Citrus fruits and especially Mandarins. The adult female (about 6-7 mm long) has its body protected by 7 waxy plates, one of which, the central one, is pinkish white. The male (about 1.5 mm long) is reddish-brown and has wings; it emerges from white elliptical follicles, about 2 mm long and adorned with waxy rays, which are fixed, mainly, along the main vein of the leaf, on the upper surface. The nymphs, which measure about 0.5-1 mm, are reddish in color.
DAMAGE: The damage occurs on the leaves and twigs and is caused by trophic punctures and the production of honeydew, with the consequent development of sooty mold.
The attack causes the plant to deteriorate and, in cases of heavy infestations, can even cause its death; in any case, the presence of sooty mold significantly devalues the product.
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