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Aspidiotus hederae Vallot

Aspidiotus hederae Vallot

SPECIES: Aspidiotus hederae Vallot ( Ordine Rincoti )

COMMON NAME: White citrus scale insect

SIZE: approx 2 mm

LIFECYCLE: Aspidiotus hederae overwinters in various stages of development; however, it often overwinters as a mature female. Oviposition begins in spring and the nymphs of the 1st generation appear around April-May. These are generally followed by two more generations with the appearance of the nymphs in the summer period; around July (2nd generation) and September (3rd generation). The White Scale therefore completes 3 generations per year; in optimal environmental conditions it can also complete 4-5 generations.

FEATURES: The White Scale is a species widespread throughout the Mediterranean areas, where it attacks Citrus fruits, especially Lemon, and especially in greenhouses where it infests many ornamental plants. The female follicle (about 2 mm long) is cream colored, with yellow-hazelnut exuviae. The exuviae are located in the center of the follicle which is rounded. The male follicle, smaller than the female one, is white and oval shaped.

DAMAGEI: On Citrus it generally attacks branches, leaves and fruits, causing a general deterioration of the plant. The damage to the leaves, following the removal of sap, manifests itself with yellowing, drying and phylloptosis. The fruits become encrusted and remain speckled with green areoles, located near the punctures and follicles; the affected fruits slow down their development and are commercially depreciated.

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