SIZE: 10-14 mm.
LIFECYCLE: Egg-young-adult (lives for 3-6 months); No. egg sacs 6-15 with 12 eggs; average lifespan.
FEATURES: yellow-brown with cream-coloured abdomen.
HABITAT: Seen mainly in homes, offices, surgeries, libraries, and their furnishings and equipment. The insect's presence is not strictly linked to the food chain.
DIET: also able to feed on paper and fabrics.
DAMAGE: cockroaches are mechanical, active vectors (defecating and regurgitating while feeding and contaminating food, tableware and utensils) of several species of pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacterial dysentery, typhoid, polio, cholera, botulism, salmonella, various allergies, etc.
I want to sterminate itFor the disinfestation of all areas, contact Gallura Disinfestazioni, a company specialized in disinfestation. Contact us for more information!