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Aphis gossypii Glov.

Aphis gossypii Glov.

SPECIES: Aphis gossypii Glov. ( Order Rincoti )

COMMON NAME: Cucurbit aphid

SIZE: from 1 to 4 mm

LIFECYCLE: This aphid can overwinter as an egg on primary arboreal hosts (Catalpa, Hibiscus) or, in more favorable climates, as an anolocyclic or paracyclic adult female.

FEATURES: This is a very polyphagous aphid that infests all Cucurbitaceae, Cotton and many horticultural and ornamental plants (Hibiscus, Catalpa, etc.). The adult (about 2 mm long) has a very variable color, from greenish to dark grayish. The juvenile forms are almost always yellowish.

DAMAGE: Aphis gossypii infests the underside of leaves, causing them to yellow and dry out. It also attacks flowers, causing them to wilt, and fruits, hindering their growth. Affected plants show a general stunted development. The aphid also produces abundant honeydew that attracts ants that spread and protect it. The presence of honeydew causes indirect damage due to asphyxiation, lens effect burns and, finally, favors the establishment of sooty molds that further aggravate the damage. The damage is further aggravated by the diffusion action that Aphis gossypii carries out for some viruses such as Cucumber Mosaic, Watermelon Mosaic, and other viruses of vegetable plants such as Onion and Potato.

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