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Mechanical Trap Snap Trap Mice

Mechanical trap for catching rodents



Tecnical info

Scheda Tecnica Mechanical Trap Snap Trap Mice

: 4,88

Price: 4,88 €

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Snap Trap Plastic snap trap suitable for catching mice, with safety system for loading the bait. Sturdy and resistant, it can also be used in humid environments or in areas subjected to frequent washing. Measures 10 x 4.5 x 5.5 cm

Use environments

Homes, cellars, garages, storage rooms, private gardens, factories, offices, warehouses, landfills, public buildings and HO.RE.CA.

Mode of Use

Load the trap, activate it with a primer and place it along the perimeter of the infested rooms with the V-shaped mouth facing the wall and / or place it inside a safety dispenser with the mouth along the walkway. Remove and dispose of the captured weed and then reposition the trap.

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