The disinfestation of plants is a complex operation for eliminating parasites and fungal diseases that cause damage to plants and more generally to the greenery of gardens.
The problem of infestations is often faced without the necessary awareness and knowledge, because there are different types of parasites and numerous weed fungi that attack plants and fruit trees.
Recognizing the problem quickly and professionally is the task of our specialists, who carefully analyze the gardens and plants and find the solution to the problem. Gallura Disinfestazioni is a company that specializes in the disinfestation of plants and thanks to the specialized technicians and experts in the sector, such as agronomists, entomologists and phytopathologists, it takes care of solving the problem of infestations effectively and quickly. This is due to the careful analysis of the greenery and the knowledge of different types of green care solution.
The problem of infestations arises when there are parasites in the plants, but the origins are not well known. In fact, very often, knowing and understanding which weed is attacking your garden, or your greenery, is essential for finding the right solution.
Knowing how to disinfest plants is the task of the Gallura Disinfestazioni experts.
The first step in combating plant parasites is to understand which parasite is present and we must make two distinctions; one concerns the main weeds of ornamental plants and secondly, the parasites of vegetable gardens and fruit plants.
The main parasites of ornamental plants and lawns are:
The major pests of vegetable gardens and fruit plants are:
All these weeds cause various damage to plants, both aesthetically and internally.
Plants react to states of discomfort by showing symptoms that translate into changes in appearance and alteration of its normal functions.
If there are insects and mites, it is possible to trace the relative species using different monitoring systems which, in some cases, allow the infestation to be contained:
For fungal and bacterial diseases or for viruses it is possible to directly trace the cause of the pathology by reading the symptoms; however there are special cases that require in-depth analyses and laboratory tests.
In order to choose the right strategy to disinfest plants, it is essential not only to know the characteristics of the parasite, but also to evaluate the plant’s environmental context.
The specialized technicians of Gallura Disinfestazioni will be able to provide a detailed picture of the problem and subsequently plan the times, and select the most suitable methods of plant treatments.
In the case of infestations of vegetable gardens or infestations of orchards, it is possible to intervene with non-invasive techniques that preserve the integrity of the plant and do not pollute the vegetables and fruits.
In the case of infestations of lawns and gardens or ornamental plants, the technicians will instead intervene with quick and safe methods to treat these plants in a traditional or ecological way, without creating any type of discomfort for humans.
Gallura Disinfestazioni is equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation that allows you to intervene in complete safety within public areas such as schools, hospitals, institutions, parks and private civil and industrial areas such as, for example, villas, apartments, hotels, campsites, condominiums and industrial warehouses.
Gallura Disinfestazioni, thanks to its qualified and continuously updated technology, is available to solve any problem and provide complete and detailed information.
If you have problems with your garden or if you want to prevent any type of infestation, email [email protected] or call +39 0789 57 735.
Alternatively, fill out the form to request a free quote.
How much it cost?It can happen if the treatment is carried out at the wrong times or if the plant protection products are incorrectly used.
No, there are specific phytosanitary treatments to protect different types of plants and to fight different types of weeds.
Yes, it is possible to carry out plant protection interventions using natural products.